Catch Him if You Can
It is impossible to think of St. Patrick’s Day or Ireland without envisioning a wee little man dressed in green protecting his pot o’ gold beneath the rainbow. Leprechauns are as Irish as lads and lassies.
While they are usually depicted as smiling, ginger-haired elves whose eyes twinkle with just the right amount of holiday mischief, the truth is that Leprechauns are best left alone. They drink heavily, are expert liars, and consider humans so greedy that they choose to avoid us at all costs.
Sure, catching one means you are entitled to his treasure, but the little boogers are experts at tricking you out of both the gold and your sanity.
A far better idea is to catch them and cook them. Delicious!
You will need:
- 1 large leprechaun or two small leprechauns
- 5 bottles Irish whiskey
- 1 cup malt vinegar
- 4 gold pieces
- 1 cup salt
- 3 TBSP parsley
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