Lee River - Where is it? What is it?

Lee River is located on the northern end of the City of Cork and flows into Cork Harbor that opens to the Atlantic Ocean. The City of Cork was founded by the Vikings and grew because the Lee River was navigable and helped bring trade to this area. Today the City of Cork is over 125,000 people and with the tourist trade booming there, it is home to 70 hotels.  It is also famed for being the home of Michael Collins.

In 1985 in a small factory just south of the Lee River the Lee River Leather Goods company was founded. Since then they have been turning out hand made belts, buckles, billfolds and bracelets. Like most things made by the Irish their products are extremely well done and their popularity has grown on that reputation. The recent increase in the Lee River brand led Terry Kast to recently add a special section to the Celtic Ranch just for Lee River customers. I personally have several Lee River belts and buckles they are both attractive and wear well. Now that summer is just around the corner stop in and check out this display. While you are at it grab a free cup of Irish tea or drop by the Whiskey Snug and ask your host to serve you up the drink of the day. Slainte.

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